Jan 14, 2023
Gary from Nerdrotic joins us for a great chat about pop
culture, the collapse of Hollywood, social engineering, the
dinosaur media and perception management.
When did this landscape start to shift and where is it going?
How are they manipulating the reviews, the stats and the data in
tinsel town? We get into this nerd stuff, the Rings of Power
fiasco, the bad white guys, deep seated white guilt, the homeless
industrial complex, the curiosity of sobriety, rebelliousness and
the gold ole days of AJ and Art Bell….
In the second half we get deeper into the deconstruction that
the nerd channels have done with the fake review data, false quotes
from Tolkien, getting rid of RPG’s and D&D, the summer of love,
self censorship on YouTube, the cancellation of the hero’s journey,
deep resonant mythology, the covid farce, dying suddenly,
UnchartedX, some decent shows to watch, favourite books, kicking
back on climate change and all the major disappoint with celeb role
See links to stuff we chatted about during the show:
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