Aug 27, 2022
Maryam Henein joins us for a chat about the George Floyd psi
op, spiritual awakenings, allopathic health and wellness,
corruption and kids being brainwashed these days.
We get into tavistock, the coyote trickster, puberty blockers
and trans stuff, censorship, infiltrating the furries, PTSD, skills
of intuition, ai programming based on lies, and social
In the second half we dig deep into George Floyd the multi
layered psi op, the magic trick snuff film, some anomalies, how
they used BLM for fund raising for Act Blue, Vanguard and the
Rothschilds, colour revolution, vaccine mandates, duty to
intervene, NIH studies, mk ultra, smear pieces on her, discernment
through disinformation, the trucker convoy, groundme problems and
the logos Sophia.
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