Jun 25, 2021
Matis Miller, LCSW joins us to chat about raising kids in this
age and his book "The Uncontrollable Child". We chat about
the difficulty with raising kids, all the distractions, ADHD,
and the emotional health needs of kids. The most important
job in the world has loads of info on how to do it but Matis's book
dials right into practical tools on how to be present, listen,
respond and help your child get through those challenges with
safety and support.
We also chat about the importance of mindfulness, awareness,
validation, acceptance, limit setting and the balance of
consistency and flexibility. This is advice anyone can use in
business or day to day relationships....
In the second half we chat about positive reinforcement, the
12 year old my body my choice, opposing truths, political
learning, DBT/CBT, so many lines being crossed, society at
large, trauma, seeing the truth over both perspectives, dealing
with people who may have borderline personality disorder, if or how
to get out of those relationships, regulating emotions and the last
10-15 years with the increase in mindfulness training for
See links to some of the stuff we chatted about during the
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