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Grimerica Outlawed

A strong pillar in our Great Work–the loose cannons are going rogue in the Dim Age!  A new feed to address some of the deeper and more controversial issues in our society: Censorship, Crimes Against Humanity, Alternative Health, Suppressed Science, Vaccine Hesitancy, Medical Martial Law, Authoritarian Creep, and don’t forget the Fascists (real fascists, not people you don’t like on Facebook).  Your triggers have been warned.  Buckle up.

Jun 19, 2021

Travis Enmon joins us for a chat about his crazy life, representing himself in court, being arresting for carrying shrooms, pro bike riding and this messed up legal system we are in right now.
We chat about reaching that level in pro sports where politics gets involved, controlled popularity in the corporate media, judges and cops, the non violent crimes, private prison systems in the USA, money as an esoteric practice, spell casting in the court rooms, real black magic, and admiralty law. 
We also talk about claiming your name, drug impact court, blacks law dictionary, the money in gain of function covid bull crap, natural law, decriminalization vs legalization of drugs, and being lured into a contract by the judge and courts.
In the second half it gets a little harrier where we chat about running from the cops, getting out of jail, teaching and learning this stuff, vital statistics, your real birth certificate, proof of subject matter jurisdiction, violation of due process, people not giving a F about freedom, money in politics, one world government, trafficking kids, the Saturn moon matrix, energy vampires, intuition, cloning humans, Nazi/Bayer, and Human vs Human Being
Travis would like to dedicate this episode to everyone and my brothers still locked up over a lie. Free them boys man!!
See the links below for stuff we chatted about during the show: Strawman - the nature of the cage Marc Stevens - no rational basis for applicability of laws - interview with law professor Dean C Clifford - both sides of the story
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