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Grimerica Outlawed

A strong pillar in our Great Work–the loose cannons are going rogue in the Dim Age!  A new feed to address some of the deeper and more controversial issues in our society: Censorship, Crimes Against Humanity, Alternative Health, Suppressed Science, Vaccine Hesitancy, Medical Martial Law, Authoritarian Creep, and don’t forget the Fascists (real fascists, not people you don’t like on Facebook).  Your triggers have been warned.  Buckle up.

Jun 18, 2023

Charlie Robison of Macroaggressions and Ricky Varandas from The Ripple Effect join us for a great chat about current events in the North American political sphere, the WEF YGL stance of Tulsi and Vivek, Trump 2024, Transhumanism, the breakdown of society, the competence problem, and communism and China/Canada. Where do we exit? Some of these new politicians are refreshing though, not that we think anything will really change.
In the second half we get deeper into the tax problem, Russiagate etc, blaming Trump, the future of the West, when Common Core math comes to industry, an analysis of the generations, tech progression, rethinking the world, the western push of workaholicism and consumerism vs laziness and entitlement, LGBT+ through the generations, and is Gen Z more trouble than they are worth when hiring?
We also talk about the latest UFO Disclosure and some members of the truth community that have been outed as shills. Who is stopping real Disclosure of clean energy tech? The Greens? The old oil Barons? We chat about Disclosure 2.0 Event at the Washington Press Club, which seems to be competing with the Governments own Disclosure of UFO's and anti gravity potential. ET's are becoming accepted and talked about now by Government, but who do we believe. Is this a smokescreen for the ARV's (alien reproduction vehicles - man made) that have been flying around for decades.
To gain access to the second half of show and our Plus feed for audio and podcast please clink the link
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Macroaggressions Podcast with Charlie Robinson
@macroaggressio3 Host, Macroaggressions on Banned Video/Apple. Host, The Union Of The Unwanted
#1 Best Selling Author, "The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire"
The Ripple Effect Podcast with Ricky Varandas features journalists, musicians, researchers, scientists, comedians, doctors, filmmakers, authors, philosophers, athletes, professors and many others like in hopes of “Provoking Thought & Starting A Ripple.”
The Union of The Unwanted
The Union of The Unwanted is an Alt-Media round-table hangout show hosted by Ricky Varandas, Sam Tripoli, Midnight Mike, and Charlie Robinson.
Links to stuff we chatted about during the show: Disclosure 2.0 at Washington Press Club, June 12, 2023
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