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Grimerica Outlawed

A strong pillar in our Great Work–the loose cannons are going rogue in the Dim Age!  A new feed to address some of the deeper and more controversial issues in our society: Censorship, Crimes Against Humanity, Alternative Health, Suppressed Science, Vaccine Hesitancy, Medical Martial Law, Authoritarian Creep, and don’t forget the Fascists (real fascists, not people you don’t like on Facebook).  Your triggers have been warned.  Buckle up.

Feb 10, 2023

Rachel Wilson joins us for a fascinating chat about her research into feminism, and where that led her. It culminated into her controversial book "Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women's Liberation", and her stepping out to push back against the narrative.
In the first half we get into defending life choices, independent women, default feminism, Fathers - the deterrent, no fault divorce, Gloria Steinham and other See Eye Eh influences, a quote from Bernard Shaw, gender abolition, tomboy genocide, the Transcendentalists, and how disagreement has now become abuse.
In the second half we get deeper into the foundations, genetic engineering, pushing back, humanist atheist materialists vs the occultists, the numbers of the anti suffrage that doesn't get talked about, the declining birthrate, pagan dates, orthodox Christianity, the greatest social revolution and revenge of the nerds - the rise of AI. Taking back the word Patriarchy.....
To gain access to the second half of show and our Plus feed please clink the link
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