Sep 17, 2022
Chris Knowles is here to chat about the esoteric and occult
origins of the transhumanism and transgender agenda. We talk about
Siren's a bit, the Cocteau twins from the 80's..... that one song,
and synth pop etc. Music being the spirit on demand, Laurel Canyon,
loss of expertise, slow collapse of tech civ, cult of Mithras,
Plato's Gorgias - on the combination of the male and female,
fertility treatments.
What was his fresh revelation? What is elite over
In the second half we get into the war on masculinity, Tate,
testosterone, Britain before the war, pop culture, the great
stagnation, social engineering, stranger things, the incels, quiet
quitting, the dems and totalitarianism, anti natalism, going
against nature, depopulation agenda, androgyn gods, ancient cults,
Attis the King and castration, destruction of hollywood, original
head bangers and OG Judas priests....
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Tru North